
时间:2022-10-26 04:32:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  38. 句型:…are more likely to….

  private cars in china

  nowadays, an increasing number of chinese people possess private cars, which is an indication of the lifted living standard of chinese people. but in my opinion, private ownership of cars should not be encouraged in china.

  there are sound reasons for the limitation of private cars in china. first, it is evident that the automobiles contribute much to air pollution. in large cities whose residents are more likely to buy private cars, the air pollution has already been very serious. second, private cars can be a threat to the traffic. if a large number of private cars rush onto the streets, the already dense traffic will suffer more. last but not least, automobiles consume a great deal of energy, which poses a threat to our limited natural resources.

  the best way to solve this problem, i think, is to raise the price of gasoline to a prohibitive level so as to make car-driving expensive enough.

  ● suggesting possibilities

  1) …may…

  2) perhaps/possibly/maybe…

  3) you are very likely/ probably to …

  4) the odds are…

  5) chances are that…

  6) it is likely that…

  7) it can happen that…

  8) it is possible that…/ for…to…

  9) it is virtually certain that…

  10) one possibility is that….

  39. 句型:scientific researches indicate that….

  the statistics show that…, according to….


  it is known to all that smoking is bad for people’s health. scientific researches indicate that smoking can lead to heart diseases, cancer and other problems. the statistics show that diseases linked to smoking kill at least 2, 500, 000 people each year, according to the world health organization.

  many people, however, find it difficult to stop smoking. one reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behavior, which is not easy to give up. another reason is the effect of nicotine, which affects people somewhat as drugs do.

  measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. for example, in many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places. and newspapers are asked not to put on advertisements for cigarettes. world “no tobacco day” is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking.

  in conclusion, smoking is harmful for people’s health and we should fight against tobacco at all costs.

   reporting

  1) recently studies indicate that…

  2) there is sufficient evidence to show that…

  3) it is obvious/clear/apparent that…

  4) a recent survey conducted on…shows that…

  5) a survey released recently shows/reveals that…

  6) it is reported that…

  7) a survey made by…gives us some hints.

  8) a survey of…indicates that…

  9) a study on…reveals that…

  10) according to statistics provided by…, it can be seen that…

  40. 句型:nowadays more and more people are beginning to….

  the number of…has increased four times.

  keeping dogs as pets

  nowadays more and more people are beginning to keep dogs as pets. not infrequently you will come across a lady who walks with her dog in the street. according to a recent survey, in the past 10 years, the number of the family keeping pets has increased four times.

  there is a definite link between the rise in the number of people keeping pet dogs and the rise in people’s standard of living. people now have enough money to afford such an expensive hobby. second, indifference creates a need to keep pets. with the fast pace of modern life and the fierce competition of society, more and more people feel a sense of indifference and begin to seek comfort from pet dogs, the most intelligent and understanding animal. the rise in the aging population and the one child family is also responsible.

  sometimes pet dogs are trouble-makers, though they bring people a lot of happiness. they may attack people unexpectedly. and a lot of people get infected because of the virus carried by them. referring to whether raising dogs as pets should be advocated or not, my opinion is, it should be controlled.

  ● talking about number increase

  1) there is a rapid/sharp/dramatic/gradual/slow rise/increase in the number of…

  2) the number of…is on the rise/increase.

  3) the increase of…has reached to 20%…

  4) the number of…has grown steadily to…in…

  5) the number of…has risen from…to…in…

  6) the number of…tends to go up/increase…

  7) the number of…increased more than/almost six times, compared with…

  8) the number of…is twice as much as that of XX.

  9) the number of…has almost doubled/tripled, as compared with that of last year.

  41. 句型:the most important is that…


  in my opinion, happiness is to have a harmonious relationship with people in our lives.

  there are some reasons for my view. first, it is the people in our lives who bring us the most happiness. family, friends and co-workers, who are part of our inner circle, can share our experiences, hopes and dreams, successes and frustrations, joys and pains. second, selfishness is a major block to happiness. to live only for ourselves will bring us nothing but sadness and misery. thus, the unconditional love we have for the people in our lives and their unconditional love for us is the essence of happiness.

  in a word, i truly believe that the happiest people are those who are on good terms with others and love many things. they love children, family and friends. they love sunrises and sunsets. the most important is that they know how to share all of these with others.                 

  ● emphasizing a point

  1) the point to understand is…

  2) it is…that/who…

  3) …not…but…

  4) i don’t attach much importance to…. what i really take as important is…

  5) among all the reasons…should be an essential one, which…

  6) whatever the purposes are, one thing is certain…

  7) what amazes us most are…

  8) among all of them…plays an important part.

  9) perhaps most importantly…

  10) nevertheless, what cannot be denied is that…

  42. 句型:as a chinese proverb goes…


  failure is a common thing in our daily life. a doctor sometimes fails to cure a patient. a researcher sometimes fails to accomplish an experiment. a student sometimes fails to pass an examination. when you play games, you can’t always avoid being beaten. all this shows that failure may happen to anybody at any moment. therefore, we cannot always expect success in our life and work.

  there are different attitudes towards failure. some people lose hearts when struck by failure; they don’t think failure can be turned for the better. others just don’t care; they simply let it be. on the other hand, more people take positive attitude towards failure and draw lessons from it. they keep trying their best to overcome failure and are awarded with success.

  as a chinese proverb goes, “failure is the mother of success.” in my opinion, failure itself is not something to fear. what is fearful is the person who is afraid of failure. so long as one looks deeply into the causes of his failure and draws lessons from it, he will surely achieve success in the end.

  ● quoting proverbs or famous lines

  1) one of the early/great writers once said/wrote/remarked/commented that…

  2) here is an old saying… it’s the experience of our forefathers. however, it is correct in many cases even today.

  3) it is known to all that…

  4) as everyone knows…

  5) many years ago, …pointed out: “….” his words reveals/reflects/teaches us a truth that…

  6) the well-known proverb…has long been accepted by all of us. it tells that…

  7) …is a well-known proverb which all of us are familiar with. when we talk of the famous proverb…, it means that…. we should not simply label it as right or wrong, but explore it in depth.

  8) please don’t forget the old chinese saying…

  9) all people believe the proverb saying that…

  10) it goes without saying that….

  43. 句型:…isn’t as bad as it is often supposed to be.

  on stress

  in recent years, with the fast pace of modern life, more and more college students are facing increasing pressures, such as applying for jobs, poor wealth, lack of supports, and failure of making friends and so on.

  some college students are afraid of pressure. they think that stresses and strains deprive them of joy and happiness. in their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally. that is the reason why they prefer something less competitive to something more challenging.

  as far as i am concerned, stress isn’t as bad as it is often supposed to be. unless it is overwhelming, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and stimulation. it gives purpose and meaning to an otherwise meaningless, dull life. people under stress tend to bring their potential into full play and to fulfill their dreams. therefore, we shouldn’t escape from stress but to face as it is. we should try to adapt to stress and to profit from it rather than to avoid it.

  ● making a comparison

  1) …as much/many…as…

  2) …not so…as…

  3) …more/-er…than…

  4) …less/fewer…than…

  5) …more/less of a…than…

  6) …nor more/-er…than…

  7) the more/-er…, the more/-er…

  8) the more…, the more likely…

  9) more…do not necessarily result in better…

  10) though the possibility of…is greater than ever before,…

  11) …is the most…that i have ever seen.

  12) nothing is more important than to…

  13) …is as…as…can be.

  44. 句型:to be true,  … however…

  beijing olympics volunteers in my eyes

  as the XX beijing olympics draws near, china is stepping up efforts in the recruitment of volunteers. applications soon come from people of all walks of life.  

  being a volunteer worker for the beijing olympic games is very meaningful. for the country, it saves the operating costs for the organizing committee. though pre-event training entails large investments, volunteers’ contribution to the overall human resources is invaluable. also for the individuals, we can broaden our horizons through participation of this international pageant. for university students in particular, olympics volunteer work helps us to gain life experience and cultivate our sense of social responsibility.

  to be true, besides a sense of honour and achievement, volunteer work is both time- and energy-consuming. the training and rehearsal alone can last for months, and one may have to sacrifice leisure time for the unpaid work both before and during the olympics. however, for the successful convening of the games, such sacrifice is worthwhile, and i would like to be one of the olympics volunteers then.

  ● conceding a point

  1) it is true that…. but one vital point has been left out.

  2) there is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.

  3) to be true/ admittedly… but this is not to say that…./but it doesn’t follow / mean that…

  4) there is some sense/truth in what you say, but…

  5) there is some truth to this argument; however…

  6) maybe you have a point there, but…

  7) i can see why this argument might seem appealing, but…

  8) at first sight, this might seem to be the case, but in fact…

  9) i agree/admit/concede/grant that…, but…

  10) there might be some elements of truth in these people’s belief. but if we consider it in depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that…

  45. 句型:people generally believe that…

  learning by doing

  people generally believe that we should learn from our parents, from our teachers and from our friends as well. however, the one that is most effective for me is to learn by doing.

  one reason i prefer to learn by doing things is that i believe that experience is the best teacher. knowledge that i gain through experience is the knowledge that i remember best. a second reason is that practical knowledge is often more useful than theoretical knowledge when dealing with problems in everyday life. third, i can learn from the process itself. even when i make mistakes, i can still learn something from them. finally, it allows me to make my own discoveries and, in this way, i not only have a more meaningful learning experience, but often learn things i never expected.

  in conclusion, learning through experience is the best method for me because i can acquire practical knowledge and remember my lessons well. in addition, the knowledge i gain is not only meaningful, but wider than that i can get from other learning methods.

  ● stating shared assumptions

  1) people take it for granted that…/it is taken for granted that…

  2) many people insist that…

  3) many of us have been under the illusion that…

  4) generally speaking…

  5) a lot of people seem to think that…

  6) it is commonly believed that…/it is a common belief that…

  7) it is a very common phenomenon among people that….

  8) when asked about…, the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that…

  9) now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that…

  10) there is a widespread misunderstanding that…

  46. 句型:people find that without…they could hardly…

  global warming

  people around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snow-free winters. drought lasts longer in some dry areas. people find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days.

  the side effects of global warming are alarming. a warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. what is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, and hurricanes. people suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.

  global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. it is high time that we took some measures to tackle the problem..

  ●  double negation

  1) there is no denying that…

  2) there is no one but…

  3) it is not unusual that…

  4) not once have i…

  5) …not without reason.

  6) never do i think of…without feeling…

  7) it is unlikely that…will forget…

  8) …cannot but…

  9) …wouldn’t…unless…

  10) no one can…without…

  47. 句型:if we place it under strict control, it will be a good thing.

  my views on human cloning

  cloning is the creating of a genetically identical copy of an individual. the general public has been debating whether human cloning is a blessing or a curse.

  the biggest benefit brought about by human cloning is medical advance. a cell of human being can develop into some kinds of vital organs by human cloning. it’s an exciting thing for many patients and doctors and even the human race.

  apart from the benefit mentioned above, human cloning can be dangerous to humankind. many people are worried that certain ambitious terrorist attacks would replicate themselves so that the clones could inherit their goals and continue doing evil after their deaths. and human cloning is out of morality.

  nevertheless, in my opinion, human cloning will be a good thing if we place it under strict control.

  ● talking about expectation

  1) we are sure that we can…in the future if we make enough efforts.

  2) we believe…is sure to be achieved.

  3) it is quite safe to say that…will have an even brighter future tomorrow.

  4) so long as we can keep ourselves under good control, we can use it effectively and properly without bad effects.

  5) as long as…, i believe…will thus be solved.

  6) as long as we can keep a balance between…and…, we will benefit a lot from…

  7) we believe that as long as the effort continues in…, there will be greater changes in…in the future.

  8) it is hoped that…

  9) we hope …will take our suggestions into consideration.

  10) however, we still have a long way to go before we…

  48. 句型:it is the day when…

  on birthday

  there are many memorable days in a person’s life. to me one of the most important days is the birthday. year after year my birthday reminds me of how long i have traveled in the journey of life. it is the day when i look back on how much i have or have not achieved in the past year and plan ahead what i am going to do in the year to come. they are the real new year’s days in a person’s life, i think.

  everybody has a birthday but the way people observe the day varies. some people, especially those in villages or from low-income families, do not celebrate their birthdays because they cannot afford such a luxury. for those who celebrate their birthdays, practices are quite similar. parties are often given for the birthday person and people usually have some special food and a lot of fun. some rich people can spend a fortune on birthday parties.

  i think it is bad taste to show off one’s wealth in this way, though. a simple wish of “happy birthday!” said with real love, or a small gift that goes to the heart of the birthday person is worth a lot more.

   talking about time

  1) the event occurred in the early morning.

  2) the event happened when…

  3) the event took place the moment…

  4) all through my childhood/ college life, i…

  5) i was about to…when…

  6) i was on my way to…when…

  7) no sooner had i…than…

  8) hardly had i…when….

  9) the excitement began when…

  10) i still remember the day when i first…

  49. 句型:it lies in the center of…

  my campus

  my campus is not very big, but the layout is neat. when you enter the campus through the northern entrance, you will see the students’ apartment buildings on your right and the teachers’ apartment buildings on your left. and in front of you, a wide road named the north road passes from east to west. going across the north road, a square will present itself before your eyes. it lies in the center of the campus, so it’s aptly named the central square. the building on the left side of the central square is the computer cluster and the building on the right side is the stadium. in front of the square is the south road, which looks like the north road. the two main roads echo each other in a distance. on crossing the south road, you will see the classroom on the left and the library on the right. the multimedia classroom is next to the library in the south.

  ● describing a place

  1) there lies/stands a/an….

  2) …is a center for education/entertainment.

  3) …lies half way up…

  4) it was built during…in remembrance of…, who…

  5) entering the gate there is a path…meters long and…meters wide stretching out before our feet.

  6) standing at both sides of…is…

  7) the path finally ends right in front of…

  8) once you get into…, the first thing you see is…

  9) …maintains a unique character and atmosphere.

  10) walking around…takes little/barely more than half an hour.

  50. 句型:my major is …

  my major

  i am a freshman in taiyuan normal university and my major is chinese. on the one hand, i chose this major because i have always been interested in our native culture and i am fascinated with how an excellent composition would be made. on the other hand, i chose this university just basing on the idea of being a teacher. we always say that education plays an increasingly important role in a nation’s progress. ever since i was a child, i would always hope to be a chinese teacher. in my eyes, chinese teachers are those who can spread the profound chinese culture for us all. 

  well begun is half done. now my dream has been realized partly. with the further study of chinese in the university, i understand more things in this area and my passion of being a good chinese teacher has made me steadier to my choice. what’s more, i would like to go to my hometown someday and be a first or second grade teacher. i think that would be a way that i could make a difference in the lives of many children. it would also be a way that i could give something back to my hometown.

  ● talking about major

  1. i major in …

  2. i am studying …

  3. i take …as my major.

  4. i choose … as my major.

  5. my field of study is …

  6. i explore the area of …
