
时间:2023-06-02 23:16:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




  晚上,最令人期盼的时刻到了。万圣节游园会真正开始了,老师带这我们去讨糖果,只有答对了题目才能拿到糖果。我们来到第一个班级,问题是杭州外国语学校的英文名是什么。幸好我们都知道,是hangzhou foreign languages school,所以每人都拿到了糖果……最后我拿到了二十二颗糖果。


  n october of western countries each year to a halloween, halloween also called halloween, on this day, every household will make pumpkin lamp, and the children will wear masks to his horror, go trick-or-treating. in the morning, we do some students make mask, bats, some birds kind, and made the qingmianlaoya ghost, made a classmate do most of the mask, said it was a funny boar mask, estimates that killed you also don't believe this is a wild boar masks.

  in the afternoon, the jack-o-lantern outside teach us the hollowed pumpkin, first, then use the knife to carve out the "eye", "nose" and "mouth", i had only two minutes to finish, "nose" and "mouth" also resemble a model pretty, but my eyes! it's "carelessly" too close, became cross-eyed. look at it like the glaring, as it was in the blame me uglification!

  look at the time. halloween fete really begins, the teacher take this we go trick-or-treating, only the right questions to get candy. we came to the first class, the problem is hangzhou foreign language school english name is nothing. fortunately, we all know, is it a hangzhou foreign, so everyone got candy... i finally got 22 candy.
