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  Passage Four

  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

  What is the relation between the code and culture which creates it, and which it transmits to the next generation? Linguists in the anthropological tradition had tried to establish links with meanings expressed lexically: Eskimo words for ‘snow’, Arabic words for ‘camel’ and so on. Yet vocabulary only ‘reflects’ culture by courtesy of (蒙...提供) its internal organization as a whole; and the assertion that “because 'camels' are important to the Arabs, therefore they have a lot of different words for 'them'” is a statement as much about English as about Arabic. Presumably nothing is more important than rice to the Chinese; yet Chinese has a single word for rice and it means various other things besides. Chinese happens to be a type of language that fa­vors general nouns.As the essential medium for people to organize and convey their ideas, language is no lon­ger what it seemed to be for the traditional linguists who used to think of language as simple for­mal codes. It is also closely related to the context, social or anthropological, in which the com­munication takes place. Today most linguists come to realize that language is an important com­ponent of culture. It determines not only the form in which ideas are transmitted, but also the method with which the content of the ideas are organized. In this perspective, language is also a communicative base on which members of a speech community form their ideas in a way that is readily comprehensible to other members of that community. It is also regarded as part of culture that is related to other fields of humanity (人类) studies.But what is merely comic (滑稽的) when applied to lexics (词汇学) becomes seriously mis­leading when applied to grammar. As Whorf pointed 50 years ago, it is naive anddangerous to take isolated grammatical phenomena and try to relate them to features of a culture. When lin­guists recognized this, their response was to avoid the language/culture issue altogether, thus closing the door on an important area of research. That there is a relationship between a code and the culture that engenders (造成) it is beyond question; but it is an extremely complex and abstract one.            

  36. The first paragraph mainly discusses _____.

  [A] the early history of human language     

  [B] how important words are in the cultural issue

  [C] the way in which people name different things

  [D] the relation between language and culture on the lexical level

  37. According to the anthropologists, the importance of a meaning _____.

  [A] reflect the customs

  [B] is reflected by the number of words referring to it

  [C] is connected with next generation

  [D] reflect certain cultures

  38. The author cites the only Chinese word for rice to show that _____.

  [A] the Chinese people especially enjoy rice

  [B] the Chinese people have a different viewpoint

  [C] important foods are not always named by many words

  [D] something culturally important may not be important in language

  39. From the Arabic words for ‘camel’ and the Eskimo words for ‘snow’, we can infer that _____.

  [A] language may reflect living conditions

  [B] different languages may have the same origin

  [C] people enjoy different things in different cultures

  [D]language can be used to show people's versatility

  40. Which of the following most appropriately describes the author's logic of writing this passage?

  [A] Analyze an issue and in the end draw a conclusion.

  [B] Present and analyze an opinion and then argue against it.

  [C] Compare two different opinions and prove one of them is right.

  [D] Present a question, analyze it and make efforts to answer it, and in the end leave the question unanswered.

  Part III           Vocabulary    (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the ONE answer that best com­pletes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  41. Trees are a renewable resource that when managed properly can _____ our needs indefi­nitely.

  [A] sustain       [B] retain       [C] maintain      [D] obtain

  42. The Prime Minister refused to _____ on the rumor that he had planned to resign.

  [A] explain            [B] comment        [C] remark         [D] talk

  43. I ______ them that both the issues mentioned by my friend will be considered at the public inquiry.

  [A] insure             [B] reserve      [C] persuade        [D] assure

  44. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are to _____ free medical care.

  [A] entitled         [B] granted       [C] presented      [D] promised

  45. The increase in student numbers ________ many problems for the university.

  [A] forces            [B]presses        [C] provides       [D] poses

  46. We may have been poor, but we were always ______ dressed.

  [A] respectably        [B] respectfully    [C] politely       [D] respectively

  47. I am not _____ with beautiful dreams, I want beautiful realities.

  [A] conservative      [B] confident      [C] content        [D] generous

  48. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is _____ loud continuous noise.

  [A] associated with     [B] filled with     [C] subjected to     [D] attached to

  49. People enter the organization from a(n) _____ range of social, economic, and educa­tional backgrounds.

  [A] extensive          [B] influential     [C] diverse     [Dl peculiar

  50. The agreement is not _____, because one of the people who signed it is not lawfully old enough to do so.                                              

  [A] operative          [B] effective       [C] legal        [D] valid

  51. After everyone was seated the chairman ______to announce his plans.

  [A] progressed         [B] promoted      [C] proceeded    [D] proposed

  52. Teacher's notes give practical _____ on developing reading skills, together with ideas for implementing play-reading in class.

  [A] notions          [B] hints          [C] perceptions      [D] phases

  53. His sudden _____ greatly surprised all of us as he was always a very kind man.

  [A] unhappiness        [B] heartiness      [C] harshness        [D] uprightness

  54. She packed her bags, then called the airport and made a(n) _____ on the last flight out of Los Angeles.

  [A] conservation        [B] reservation      [C] preservation     [D]observation

  55. If you are a public figure you can't afford to be too _____ to criticism.

  [A] sensible        [B] sensitive        [C] rational         [D] reasonable

  56. His spending on pleasure and luxuries is rather high in _____ to his income.

  [A] comparison      [B] calculation       [C] association      [D] proportion

  57. I had difficulty in _____ myself from telling her what I thought of her.

  [A] restraining        [B] retaining          [C] reserving     [D] restricting

  58. The book gives a brief ____ of the course of his research up till now.

  [A] outline       [B] reference       [C] frame       [D] outlook

  59. Many species of animals have now _____ from the face of the earth.

  [A] dissolved         [B] vanished           [C] faded    [D] escaped

  60. Within days of being appointed office manager he had ________ on the staff.

  [A] compelled       [B] imposed        [C] opposed         [D] compressed

  61. Advertising was _____ never used, even in the early 1970s when the use of search by companies was much less widespread.

  [A]precisely        [B] progressively    [C] practically       [D] presumably

  62. I think you can take a(n) _____ language course to improve your English.

  [A] intermediate   [B] middle        [C] medium   [D]mid

  63. The chairman of the company said that new techniques had ______ improved their pro­duction efficiency.

  [A] violently        [B] severely     [C] radically        [D] extremely

  64. Which format a participant should choose will depend upon his or her _____ stage, work situation and individual learning style.

  [A] employment     [B] career         [C] vocation         [D] profession

  65. But there are no convincing reasons for believing that this would have a _____ effect on economic performance.

  [A] partial          [B] preferable         [C] beneficial        [D] liable

  66. The company has just _____ its plans for the coming year, including the opening of new offices in Paris.

  [A] revealed      [B] relieved           [C]revised           [D] reversed

  67. The _____ between rich and poor is wider in the South than in the rest of the country.

  [A] difference       [B] distinction         [C] gap    [D] variation

  68. Any investigation which covers a long ____ of time is bound to encounter certain special problems.

  [A] rank    [B] span       [C] scope      [D] scale

  69. Nevertheless, the United States maintained its military _____ in some African and West­ern Asian countries despite international protest.                      

  [A] attachment       [B] involvement      [C] interaction      [D] communication

  70. Bachelor's degree graduates get an average of four or five job offers with salaries _____ from the high teens to the low 20s and plenty of chances for rapid advancement.

  [A] altering      [B] ranging        [C] differing       [D] separating

  Part IV    Cloze   (15 minutes)

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A] ,[B] ,[C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  To understand the marketing concept, it is

  71. [A] effective

  [B] adequate

  only necessary, to understand the difference be-

  [C] competent

  [D] efficient

  tween marketing and selling. Not too many years

  72. [A] fell

  [B] took

  ago, most industries concentrated primarily on

  [C] relied

  [D] lived

  the   61   production of goods, and then

  73. [A] directs

  [B] focuses

  62    "persuasive salesmanship" to move as

  [C] aims

  [D] insists

  much of these goods as possible. Such production

  74. [A] convert

  [B] alter

  and selling   63     on the needs of the seller to

  [C] persuade


  produce goods and then   64   them into money.­

  75. [A]fantasies


  Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on

  [C] choices


  the wants of consumers. It begins with first ana­-

  76. [A]influence


  lyzing the   65   and demands of consumers

  [C] entertain


  and then producing goods that will   66 

  77. [A]access


  them. This eye-on-the-consumer    67    is

  [C] approach


  known as the marketing concept, which simply

  78. [A]available


  means that instead of trying to sell whatever is

  [C] adaptable


  easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers

  79. [A]measure


  and dealers first try to find out what the consum­er

  [C] operation


  wants to buy and then go about making it

  80. [A]convey


  ___68 for purchase. Every   69    —design,

  [C] imply


  production, distribution, promotion — is made

  81. [A]publicity


  according to consumer demand.

  [C] popularity


  This concept does not   70   that consum­er

  82. [A]views


  satisfaction is given   71   over profit in a

  [C] sides


  company. There are always two   72   to every

  83. [A]appears


  business activity — the firm and the customer

  [C] exists


  and each must be satisfied before trade   73  .

  84. [A]however

  [B] therefore

  Successful merchants and producers,   74   ,

  [C] furthermore


  recognized that the surest route to profit is

  85. [A]across


  ___75   understanding customers. This concept

  [C] upon


  has been recognized in such slogans as "Have it

  86. [A]presented


  your way," and "You are the boss". A good ex-

  [C] offered


  ample of the importance of satisfying the con-

  87. [A]mode


  sumer   76   itself in mid-1985. when Coca



  Cola changed the   77   of its drink. The non-

  88. [A]fragment


  acceptance of the change by a significant



