
时间:2022-11-05 16:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  日记一则。要点如下: 6月19日,星期天,晴。 时隔两年,与友人游东湖,发现东湖巨变。如划船时看见 水比以前清了,甚至有些地方还可见到湖底的水草,此 外,花多了,树高了,道路也清洁些了。 联想:由于国家重视治理污染,人们爱护名胜古迹,只要 我们下决心,东湖会更好,会吸引更多的游客。

  注意:1、写好格式。 2、 约120个英文单词。

  June 19, Sunday Today some of my old friends and I went to the East Lake for an outing. It’s almost two years since I last went there. Great changes have taken place. Boating on the lake, we found the water much cleaner than before. In some places we even saw grass growing on the bottom of the lake. Besides, we found more flowers and taller trees, and clearer roads and

