
时间:2023-04-03 22:12:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  作者:张祝豪      今天,上完了社团后,我并没有很快离开社团教室,我在密谋一个“伟大的”计划······     我提起包,飞跑到下面一层的楼梯的后面,我想做一下“幽默”——吓一下李亚净,既不伤和气有令人很快乐,何乐不为?     等了一会儿,一个人影出现了,我以为是她,就跳了出去,正准备大喝一声时,我看到那是一个初中生。我无比尴尬,同时,那初中生也吓的不轻,慌乱地点点头,连忙走了。     又过了一会儿,终于我又听到了人说话的声音,我仔细辨别了一下,确定是她后,就准备了······     我跳了出去,大吼了一声:     “啊——”     谁知李亚净没被吓到,反而跟她同行的向依涔被吓了一大跳,立马靠墙蹲下( ),双手抱头。      我哈哈大笑,带着一路好心情,回到了教室······ 

  英语版: today, finished the club. i am not soon left the club, and i in plotting a "great" plan...picked up my bag and flew to below a layer of the stairs behind. i want to do a "humor", frighten li yajing, not hurt and gas is very happy, why not?

  after a while, a personal shadow appeared, i thought it was her and jumped out, is preparing to give a loud shout, i saw it was a junior high school student. i was very embarrassed, at the same time, the junior middle school students also frighten not light, panic nodded, quickly go.

  and after a while. finally, i heard again the sound of people talking, i carefully distinguish, sure she was prepared to...

  i jumped out and shouted at me:

  "ah --"

  who knows li yajing instead of being scared, but with her peers to according to cen was scared the daylights, immediately against the wall squat (), both hands to hold the head.

  i laugh, with a good mood, back to cos。
