
时间:2022-10-26 06:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  i watched an ineresting magic trick on youku last week. there was a doctor with a chainswa. he was supposed to saw a patient, but "occidentally" missed and sawd his assistant in half. the first time i saw the video, it looked very realistic. half of the sawed body moved its legs and the top half could stand on its hands. the original doctor with the chianswa made it seem if there were no mirrors. at the end, the doctor " stapled" his assistant back together. amazingly the assistant could walk and jump. afterwards, i looked up on explantion on a book. this person chaimed that the assistant was actually two people. at  the begining, one person's top half would be in the table. the top half of the assistant would actually be another person with his legs cubled up. the explanation made sense. novertheless, the trick was very impression.
