
时间:2022-11-06 01:36:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



  I find a comparison of life to the warm sunshine quite proper. The sun scatters sunlight, making it everywhere. Love is here everywhere. It grows when spring comes, develops when summer arrives, become ripe when fallen leaves float in the cool winds, and turns into flicking flame when cold winter approaches.

  Everyone needs love, and everyone is wroth loving. Love lies in a hot glass of milk mother put on your desk. Love lies behind a common “Happy birthday” or a sincere blessing. Love comes out of a simple smile….There’re many people we care and care us. The fast way to lose love is to hold on it tight, and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

  Love is giving. Love is living. Love is taking someone’s load. Love helps them along the road. Love is caring. Love is sharing. Love will seek the best for others. Love treats everyone like brother.

